Our New Project – Fork’N Hell

We are really excited to be working on our brand new project! With support from Affinity Sutton, Full Circle Arts & Arts Council England, we are developing 11 individual performance pieces exploring difference, disability and stigma. Unlike our previous projects where we perform and develop the performance as a group and then perform it in a theatre space, this project is a completely new way of working for us, as well as developing the pieces independently, we will be performing our personal pieces in non theatre spaces.
“I really like creating my piece, it’s something new because i have never performed on my own. My piece is about a girl called Shadow girl, she has super powers but she only comes out at night and no one can see her face”.
Chrissy Jones

We are creating these pieces based around our own personal experiences. Some of the words we are using include; Reflections, Transformation, Death, Shadows, Time, Memories & Judgement. Our members are really enjoying the challenge of working on their individual pieces, here is what a few of them have had to say…
“When we first started this project I was finding it really difficult to come up with a way of working out how I was going to do the piece I was thinking of doing, which was about judgement, appearance, feeling trapped and so on, without it portraying me in a negative light. Although over the last few weeks I’ve tried to simplify it and it has changed direction a couple times and even though there are still questions to find answers for I’m starting to feel a lot more confidence and positive about it and I’m hoping for a good performance outcome.”
Kelly Hoye
Our performance pieces will be performed at Manchester Art Gallery & Salford Museum in the summer. We will also be working in partnership with The Lowry as part of National Hate Crime Awareness Week in October.
Keep checking back for further updates on this project!