A groundbreaking, verbatim performance exploring identity & perceptions of disability.

This work is a development of Assessment – a live performance installation created by artist Danielle Maycox, as part of Cells – A Body of Work (#CABOW).
Audience members were invited to take part in this interactive & unnerving ‘performative consultation’ which scrutinised the Government’s gruelling Personal Independence Payment (PIP) appraisals.
Danielle designed this work to formally record, informally assess and creatively respond to the current public understanding of disability labels [1]. Over one hundred interactions with gathered from the public at Tate Liverpool, Whitworth Manchester, Edge Hill University and Manchester Art Gallery.
The company, led by Danielle, created a theatrical performance piece which previewed April 2019. Part interactive theatrical experience, part digital art installation, the work confronted its audience using verbatim thoughts about disability.
There’s a wonderful synergy between the two iterations of Assessment. Audience members who took part in the performative consultation, are gracefully invited to be confronted by their own unconscious basis. Our preview performance has proven this to be a powerful, poignant & stimulating experience.
Tom Hogan, Director

We are currently in discussions with new project partners to develop with work further and welcome expressions of interest. Please contact to learn more.
We aim to tour further develop and tour this work in 2020. Stay up to date with our progress by following our social account and signing up to our newsletter, below.
Creative Team
- Writer & Creator – Danielle Maycox
- Director – Tom Hogan
- Design – Nerissa Cargill Thompson
- Digital Media Design & Creation – Phil Smethurst
[1] Our performance assessors have no medical or specific data collection training relevant to the assessment made. This is to ensure we reflect the reality of the assessment conditions for the Personal Independence Payment. All assessments are made by the company in the context of creativity and subject to bias.