OnIT Challenge – Week 6

Just like that… We have made it to the final week of the wonderful OnIT Challenge and our final week of showcasing our artist’s fantastic creations…
…are you ready?
Have you ever heard a really odd sound but we couldn’t quite find the right words to describe them?
Us too! Our artists were asked to listen carefully to all the sounds we make when we speak that aren’t words and then create new and interesting ways to describe them.
Here are the strange sounds our artists created:
- Rippling dribble
- Pop locking
- Ting a ling
- Sharp shallow mellow
First, cast your minds back to week 1 and the ‘2-metre tales’ … next feast your eyes on these interesting, abstract and beautifully layered final pieces!
– Chrissy – Phil – Danielle
Our artists have been a real journey with their artworks, and who would have known that these works started from such humble beginnings?
For their final challenge our thespians had to choose their own monologue to perform. This is an exciting yet daunting prospect considering the great canon of plays, scenes and monologues out there.
Janet chose to tackle the same scene we did in week 5 (remember that confusing scene from William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where Flute is playing the part of Thisbe?).
This week however, Janet performed a stripped down and truthful interpretation of Shakespeare’s text – a far cry from last weeks ‘bad’ acting.
At the close of the writing challenge, we were looking ahead to the future beyond lockdown restrictions. The writers were challenged to write a scene including an outing, beautiful descriptions and a ridiculous list of words:
- Merry
- Cushion
- Elephant
- Foxtrot
- Stupendous
Kelly wrote a scene between Caitlin and Alex as they enjoy a day out spending a stupendous amount of money post-lockdown – she even managed to include all of the varied and peculiar words!
The movement artists final exploration of Laban effort was pressing.
They were weaving in and out of movements that are inspired by:
- The feeling of walls closing in on you
- Imagining walking through waves
- Walking into strong winds on mountain tops
- Giving birth through different parts of the body (oh my!)
Keep your eye on our social media to see Daryll expertly demonstrate this movement technique.
Congratulations to the wonderful artists who took part and completed Proud and Loud Art’s first online creative challenge. They’ve worked so hard, had so much fun and created some beautiful pieces in the process.
We have loved sharing this work with you all!
Blog author, Imogen Barton-Wells